

 Sweet Alchemy Pastry Shop :: Kois Associated Architects
Athens, Greece


Designed for Stelios Parliaros, one of the premiere patisseries in Greece, Sweet Alchemy eludes a certain sensuality and intrigue.  The selection of material was inspired by the philosophy of the client--only choosing natural materials, with no substitutes.  Materials such as wood, copper, iron, and bronze maintain their natural appearance, allowing the product to be showcased in a natural, yet modern environment.  The filtration of light is controlled with the use of varying opacity and a series of brass frames which double as product displays.

 Images [via]



  1. Stunning interior! The shelf contents look pretty darn appealing too!

  2. É interessante como vc consegue em pouco tempo postar aquilo que chamamos interessante e espetacular....as ideias os assuntos...e por ai vai os quais nos faz mesmo estando sem muito tempo para pra ler aquilo que posta e olha que vezes por outra corro meus olhos em tuas paginas sempre a procura de algo novo e inovador daquilo que faz muito bem....parabens linda.....


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